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Fourteenth Annual Beatle Convention in Liverpool.
Thursday 25th - Tuesday 30th August 1994

Welcome Beatles fans from all over the world. This is the message that the City of Liverpool wishes to convey to all of the people that are once again (or maybe for the first time) making that special sojourn to our wonderful city. In the past, CCT has battled virtually alone to facilitate the needs of Beatles fans from the four corners of the globe. Thankfully, that is in the past, as the Liverpool City Council have become a committed partner in helping to improve the marketing and content of the International Beatles Festival. The Economic Initiatives Office, the Tourism and Leisure Department, The Heritage and Arts Council, The City Centre Partnership and the Public Relations Office have all supported the Mathew Street Festival, which in turn has attracted a mainline sponsor, “BUDWEISER”, thus guaranteeing the quality of what Cavern City Tours can offer this year and in the future.

OK party animals the weekend begins here; make sure you don’t miss a thing as there’s something going on morning, noon and night!!

Weekend Warm Up from 7.30pm at the newly opened CAVERN PUB with entertainment from Refer to Drawer and the fun continues at the CAVERN CLUB from 11 .00pm with two discos and music from THE BEATCOMBERS, who will be hosting all of the “wee small hours” soirees. If you ever want to sing a song, play guitar, or even if all of your band are here, see George from the Beatcombers and he’ll get you on stage at sometime over the weekend.

The CCT Reception Desk in the Adeiphi foyer is open from 11.30am-6pm.  See Ray if you’ve got any problems. If you are checking in and there are any delays you can leave your luggage with the porter and enjoy one or both of the afternoon’s entertainment. In the American Bar you will have the chance to see rare videos from 12-5pm and from 2pm onwards in the Adelphi nightclub you will be able to hear at least three bands, including Sgt Pepper from Brazil. Don’t forget to be early to claim the best seats in Central Hall (doors open 8pm) for performances by LENNY PANE from Sweden, THE QUARRYMEN from Eire and THE ONE AND ONLY CAVERN BEATLES, the world’s best Beatle Band! As soon as that’s over it’s back to the Adelphi. Good news on that score, the manageress, Mrs. Eileen Downey has decided to give Adelphi Beatlefan residents the exclusive use of JENNY’S BAR every night, which will host a series of late night parties, featuring live music, open to all Adelphi residents and package customers of CCT from other hotels. However, please carry your key cards with you to prove that you are residents on one of CCT’s packages, otherwise you will find it difficult to get into the hotel. Security will be tight but please understand it is for YOUR protection. Anybody in bed by 2.30am is NOT allowed to book a CCT package ever again, and that’s final!!!

The CCT desk will again be manned from 11.30-6pm on Saturday. Sleep in till just before 10am and then sprint to CAVERN WALKS Shopping Centre for The Beatles Shop Annual Liverpool Auction which is scheduled to finish at 1pm, which is just as well because that’s when The Cavern Club opens for an historic occasion; Pete Best plays the club for only the second time in 28 years!! What’s more, it’s going to he recorded for a live CD release, so you will he part of history in the making. Pete’s band will be supported by LIVERPOOL (great name) from Sweden and Sgt Pepper.
You’ve just got time to grab a bite to eat (may I suggest The Cavern Pub Dinner Special “Give Peas A Chance”) and then onto The Central Hall again (don’t you just love that place, a home for us all I suspect for years to come), this time for a special musical tribute to the genius of John Lennon, performed by Liverpool’s own INSTANT KARMA, and in attendance will be our special guest, CYNTHIA LENNON, who we’re all thrilled has agreed to join us for this festival.
As soon as Instant Karma’s inevitable standing ovation and encore has finished, it’s once again back to Jenny’s Bar for more, yes more, twilight fun and frolics featuring our mop tops from Scotland, The Beatcombers plus guests and volunteers!!

If you have foolishly booked a coach tour you will now begin to regret it (only joking). Coaches depart from Brownlow Hill at l0am prompt for a Magical Mystery Tour of Beatle sights which will get you back to the Convention for the opening at noon. (Watch out for a surprise start to the Convention.) Then, the rest is up to you, 12 bands, guest speakers, bars, restaurants, flea market, a play, video rooms and lots, lots more from midday-midnight. At midnight Jenny’s Bar will open for residents and that will be our designated sing-along night. Bring your acoustic guitars, harps, tambourines, washboards etc as The Adeiphi goes UNPLUGGED. Yes, you are the entertainment, The Beatcombers are having a well deserted rest (or operation). With over 70 bands and artistes in tow I’m sure we can create a party atmosphere.

Once again the loonies will depart in their coaches at the unearthly hour of 10am for a fanatics tour. For the rest of you the Mathew Street Festival, the highlight of the whole week will begin at I I.30am.  Don’t be late, bars, clubs, pubs, restaurants, street theatre, mime, barbecues, TV, radio, showmobiles, cafes, sideshows etc etc. A gathering of people from all over the world, mixing with the thousands of locals who will guarantee to make it into a Mardi Gras type atmosphere.
The Finale Concert has been delayed until 9.00pm to give everybody a bit more breathing space, a Merseybeat Spectacular ending to the weekend. And then, what more? The VIP Party until 5am featuring Liverpool’s fave cover band, The Dark Horses.

After a flying visit to Liverpool’s Royal Hospital to get your stomach pumped make sure you round it off in style with RINGER’S infamous yellow spot 5 party at The Cavern from noon onwards. Many of you have wisely decided to stay an extra night, so CCT have arranged a special visit by Alcoholics Anonymous at 7pm onwards at The Cavern Pub for a Farewell Liverpool, Hello Doctor end to the week. PHEW!
Bill, Dave, George,
Ray & Steve.
If you have time, other things worth checking out - Ferry Cross The Mersey; Beatle Story Exhibition; Stu Sutcliffe Art Exhibition; Sgt Pepper Musical Empire Theatre: enquire at CCT desk for details.




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